Caridina Cantonensis sp. Wine Red
Catonensis sp. Wine Red is an aquarium bred Black Bee Shrimp color morph that is herbivorous in nature. In the aquaria, it prefers a well planted tank and moss or plants like riccia will provide them with biofilm for them to eat, but they will eventually also need to be provided with regular food such as algae wafers, catfish or shrimp pellets, or blancheds vegetables like zucchini and spinach.
Catonensis sp. Wine Red is a small and peaceful shrimp. However it is best not to keep any other members of the Caridina family unless trying to crossbreed. It can be kept with Neocaridinas and other shrimp outside of the Caridina genus. They can be kept in a community tank though shouldn't be kept with aggressive or nippy fish. Crystal Black Shrimp and its color morph Crystal Red Shrimp have different grades. In order from lowest to highest, the grades are: C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS. The higher the grade, the more white it has and the more expensive it is. Other variants of Caridina Catonensis sp. Bee are generally graded by how intense colors are for that shrimp, Wine Reds are graded on the red, King Kongs are graded by intensity of the black color. Cantonensis sp. Wine Red is considered a color morph of the Bee Shrimp, therefore it should be cared for the same. Catonensis sp. Wine Red, along with the variants King Kong and Panda are some of the most expensive freshwater shrimp available, great care is a must when housing a Wine Red. There are many variants of Catonensis sp. Bee. Here is a list of some of the variants: |